Discovering and understanding who God is
We want to help people look to God. Through gathering with other Christians for mutual support, Bible study, shared mission, and ministry, our learning groups, and Adult Sunday School classes lead people through meeting God, learning God’s message, and living out their calling in the world.
Baptism is a sacrament. In the sacrament of baptism, we are given our identity as beloved children of God and united into the local church and God’s story. Baptism is an act of the Holy Spirit affirming the grace of Jesus Christ in our lives, shaping, and forming us into people whose lives reflect our love for God, one another, and the world.
Children and adults may be baptized at most Sunday worship services throughout the year. We baptize through sprinkling or pouring. Baptism is a significant step of faith so we do require you to first meet with Pastor Brian to discuss your or your child's baptism prior to scheduling this event.

Confirmation: Sixth Grade
Confirmation is a special time during our sixth grader's faith journey. It is the beginning of a lifetime of commitment to the church. It is a time set aside to learn about who God is, what United Methodist Christians believe, and what it means to be a member of the church and a disciple of Jesus Christ in the world. We provide a wide range of lessons, field trips, exposure to other worship settings, and opportunities aimed at encouraging each child to make a personal decision regarding their own faith. In Confirmation, we confirm our baptism. Confirmands will remember their baptism, or if they have not been baptized, anticipate their baptism, and learn about the baptismal vows that they will take or that were taken on their behalf. Confirmation is a way to claim and affirm the work done by the Holy Spirit in and since their baptism.
A funeral, memorial service, or celebration of life (depending on your term preference) following the death of a loved one does at least two things: 1.) It enables us to face the reality of our mortality and 2.) comforts us in the celebration of another reality – life after death in God. As one of our creeds declares, “In life, in death, in life beyond death, we are not alone. Thanks be to God!”
As you and your family begin the path of planning a funeral, we offer you our full support and experience to help make this difficult process simpler. Please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you and your loved ones as you move through your journey of grief.

Adult Christian Education
Growing in faith never ends. Find a class or study to be part of. Email, [email protected] to learn more.
Becoming Disciples of Christ Through Bible Study is a study designed to help people place themselves in the narrative of the scriptures, develop a conversation with the scriptures, and find their personal meaning for life in the scriptures. This study meets on Monday nights at 6:00 pm in the Seekers Classroom. If you are interested, please contact Jennifer Fornero at [email protected].
Congratulations on your engagement! We are excited you are considering hosting your special event at Wesley United Methodist Church. Weddings are not only a time of celebration, but a time for starting a new chapter in your life with God at the center of it. Our clergy and staff want to help make your wedding a truly memorable, spiritual, and meaningful experience.