Message from Pastor Chris

Wesley UMC,
I wanted to let you know one of my immediate household family members Emma, has tested positive for Covid-19. She has had a few symptoms, but nothing to cause alarm. Thank you for your care and prayer. As a result, my family will be on fourteen-day quarantine. Assuming no one else in our house tests positive in the coming days, I will be back in action on January 12th. We are seeking medical advice on the rest of us and are monitoring for symptoms. My rapid test results were negative and am now waiting for the PCR results (48-72 hours).

I am sorry to miss the second Sunday of Christmas with you all this week. Thank you to Rev. Dorothy Straks for preaching this Sunday for Epiphany (Three Wisemen arrival). Jeff Cullen will be preaching on January 10th. My normal schedule will not be highly impacted as I was already scheduled to be remotely attending my Doctor of Ministry classes on January 4-8 and 11-15. My planned limited availability will be curtailed a little more.

God is good! All the time. All the time! God is good. Never do we believe God gives such seasons to us. God is not the author of evil. Yet, in the midst of times like this, we know our Lord is with us. If Jesus is with us, then come what may, it will be good.

God bless you all as we close out 2020.

In Christ and with the love of God for you all,
Chris Yost

Wesley United Methodist Church

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