
Every second Saturday of the month, from 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM, in meeting rooms 1 and 2, volunteers can prepare meals and help feed our community here at Wesley. The proposed menu will be: February 8th – Baked Potatoes with shredded beef and fixings. If you have any questions, please contact Karen McClellen at…

The journey of grief can be long and lonely. At GriefShare©, we provide background training in the various issues and emotions and listen to and share stories. All of this helps us to know that we are not alone and that what we are experiencing is normal. Sessions will continue through April 6th. We invite…

Disciple Bible study will meet on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM, and if you would like to join us, feel free to do so for the 2025 season. You are always welcome to come and enjoy this in-depth conversation about the Bible. I love how we can all learn so much from each other in…

The next JOY/Supremes Luncheon will be held Tuesday, February 11th, in Fellowship Hall at Noon. This month, Kevin will be reviewing the plans you helped to make earlier this month so you can start getting some dates on your calendar; plus, we will have a surprise. Our menu will be casseroles and desserts. Since it…

We may have just put the Christmas decorations in storage, but it is now time to make more! Christmas Market Crafting will begin on Thursday, February 6th, from 9:00 AM to 11:30 AM. We will plan on every other week with no night sessions this time around. In anticipation, we have some fun new crafts…

Our first ONE WESLEY service this year at 10:30 AM, with a potluck following, will be held on February 16th. We will have a Chili cook-off! Please bring your favorite chili recipe to share with us. We will have them separated from mild to spicy, so don’t worry about that. We will also supply crackers…

The journey of grief can be long and lonely. At GriefShare©, we provide background training in the various issues and emotions and listen to and share stories. All of this helps us to know that we are not alone and that what we are experiencing is normal. Sessions will continue through April 6th. We invite…

Disciple Bible study will meet on Monday evenings at 6:00 PM, and if you would like to join us, feel free to do so for the 2025 season. You are always welcome to come and enjoy this in-depth conversation about the Bible. I love how we can all learn so much from each other in…