Be The Light

Are you looking for a way to brighten someone’s day? How about joining the JOY Homebound Visitation Team? Now, it is a bit hard to actually visit during a pandemic, but here are some simple things you can do as part of this team:

  • Window Visits. All you need is a window and phone! Just call the person you want to visit, set up a time to see them, and go to their window and call them. You can both see each other and talk (safely) over the phone!
  • Write a letter or send a card. Think of how much you enjoy getting a personal card or letter in the mail. Well, our Homebound folks love it as well!
  • Call them! It’s the window visit minus the window! And they will love hearing from you and learning about what is happening in your life and in the life of the church!

Of course, once COVID is behind us, visiting in person will be welcomed with so much love. To be part of this special ministry at Wesley, please contact Kevin Banks at [email protected] and he will be happy to set you up with some folks to start visiting. But be forewarned, you will probably end up loving them like part of your own family – and they will love you right back!

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Wesley United Methodist Church

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