Blessing Box

Notice something new in front of the Church as you drive down Highway 69? It’s the Wesley Blessing Box! The blessing box is an outreach of love for those in need in our community.

After seeing the struggle for food in our community, Wesley’s own Nancy Haayen became inspired to help. After sharing her inspiration with her Sunday School class, the Covenant Class immediately agreed to fund this new mission. John Bishop’s talents were called upon, and he and his wife Becky got to work transforming this idea into the Blessing Box. Additionally, John & Elaine Yznaga joined the mission and added the sign.

The Wesley Blessing Box is a beautiful example that even in these uncertain times, Wesley’s people can put inspiration into action and help spread God’s grace!

The Blessing Box is a take what you need, leave what you can mission. Items range from prepackaged, do not require cooking, and are easy to take & eat to cereal, pasta, and other non-perishable items.  To donate, simply pull up to the Blessing Box and place your items inside.

Wesley United Methodist Church

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