Hello Church family,
I am very encouraged to see how well our reopening has gone. I am asked quite often when do I think we will be fully up and running. My answer is back to school time, or the mid-August window. This includes adding back in the weekly 8:30am communion service. We will need a tremendous amount of help for onsite ministry to pick back up into full swing. The groups such as the greeters and ushers are having to reorganize. The worship committee and communion servers are also being reconstituted.

If you would like to volunteer, please email [email protected] with your name, service you affiliate with, and the area of ministry you would like to find out more about. Our volunteer coordinator, Joan Wright, has been working diligently to reach out and would love to hear from you.

A new feature as we move into the future: we now have a remote viewing/online community affiliating with Wesley. If you would like to be a part of primarily online study, facilitating prayer groups, pioneering “online greeting and ushering”, etc please let us know.

I also want to let you know, I am taking some refreshment and recuperation time soon. Beginning June 17th, I will start a two week window of book writing leave. I began a project in 2010 which I am excited to hopefully bring to completion. On the heels of that, I will be taking July to reconnect with my family and friends. I will be back in action August 1st. The SPRC, Board, and our District Superintendent are all supportive of my time away. There is a great line up of preachers for you all in my absence. June 20th our own seminarian, Jordan Cramer, will be preaching. Retired Elder Rev. Kathy McLean-Davis will be preaching June 27th, Rev. Dr. Owen Ross will be preaching July 4th, Jeff Cullen will be preaching July 11th, Rev. Dorothy Straks will be preaching July 18th, and the final week will be lead by Jordan Cramer. Communion will be served July 4th at 9:17, 10:30 and via drive-thru communion. If you need any help or have pastoral concerns, please contact the church office at: 903.455.1594.

I look forward to hitting the ground running in August. May the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ uphold you all!

In Christ,
Pastor Chris Yost

Wesley United Methodist Church

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