Fifty explorers, along with thirty-nine adult and youth volunteers, gathered each morning last week to share God’s love on Adventure Island VBS. Adventure Island was filled with lots of games, yummy snacks, fun crafts, rockin’ music and hands-on Bible story lessons. Special lanterns were hidden on the island every day for the kids to find. Each lantern represented how God’s light shines on us through His Word. The Pre-K and Kindergarten class found the lantern of Love, representing the love God has for us in the Creation story. On Tuesday, the fifth and sixth graders found the lantern of Trust. We were challenged to trust God and follow God’s call as Moses did at the burning bush. The lantern of Faith was found by the third and fourth graders, and showed us the through the roof strong faith of the four friends who carried their paralyzed friend to see Jesus.
Our final day on Adventure Island, the first and second graders found the lantern of joy. We celebrated the joy that God’s light brings when he loves us and forgives us as the father who welcomed his son home in the forgiving father parable.

On Thursday evening we welcomed parents, grandparents and families to our Adventure Island Celebration. The kid’s shared God’s love and light as they sang the songs they learned from our week on Adventure Island. The surprise highlight of the night was when they all pulled out their glow wands and waved them around as they sang Little Night Light…..shining God’s light!! A cool, refreshing sno-cone completed our time together on Adventure Island!

Thank you for sharing your children with us at Adventure Island VBS. We had an amazing week filled with special memories sharing God’s love!
Mrs. Leslie

AND….Blessing of the Backpacks is August 15th. Can’t wait to see you. Bring your backpack!

Wesley United Methodist Church

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