With many of our members worshiping from home, there is one special group that can use an extra dose of Wesley love – our homebound members and those in Nursing Homes and Assisted Living Facilities. These precious members and friends have had additional restrictions to live within due to COVID and the fact that they live in a group facility. While Assisted Living Facilities have rules they must abide by when it comes to COVID, each has slightly different interpretations to the rules. So, what can you do to spread some love to these members?

First, you can always give them a call. These members LOVE to have someone to talk to for a few minutes and I promise it will brighten their day. You can always learn so much about the rich life they have lived, and they will enjoy hearing about your life as well.

Another thing you can do is write to them. People always love to get a card or letter and if they are not able to read due to poor eyesight, there is always someone in the facility that can read it to them. Our homebound members and friends LOVE to hear about the church, your life, anything about what is happening outside the walls of where they live. And they also love to reminisce! Uplifting messages and stories are always very appreciated.

And lastly, you can always set up a visit and see them in person. Like we said before, each Nursing Home/Assisted Living Facility has different interpretation of COVID Guidelines, so the best thing to do is call the facility beforehand. Most require an appointment at least 24 hours in advance, they require that you wear a mask, are not displaying any COVID symptoms, and allow visits only on Monday through Friday. Currently, we have members and friends living at Briarcliff (903.455.8729), Colonial Lodge and Lodge at Colonial (903.454.6636) and Harrison House (903.455.0440).

If you would like to become more involved in our Wesley Homebound JOY Ministry, please reach out to Kevin Banks (407.716.8339). This is truly a ministry that you will receive as big a blessing as those you are ministering to.


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