The Conference Committee on Lay Servant Ministries and the Board of Laity of the North Texas Conference announce the 2021 event for the laity, Set in Motion: Has the Church Left the Building?** The event will be in webinar form on Saturday, August 14, 2021 from 9:00 AM to Noon. Registration will be open mid-July and will be found on the conference website. Anyone may attend, laity and clergy alike, even from other conferences. There is no cost for this event; however, registration is a must for you to get your personal link to the event.

The webinar will be led by Jason Moore of Midnight Oil Productions. Jason is an author, speaker, and worship coach who will guide us into new ways of being the church as we move into the future. He has presented “BOTH/AND”, as well as “Telling the Old Story in a New Way”, earlier this year in the NTC.

This training will explore how each of us (laity and clergy) have a role in co-creating the next movement of God in our faith communities by taking our ministries beyond the walls of our physical buildings. We’ll be invited to explore how we are like dominos in a rally; Set in Motion by the hands of the Holy Spirit.

Regardless of how and where you serve, you will experience an invitation to lean into God’s movement through hybrid ministry, find alignment in sharing a singular vision for your church in our post pandemic world, and experience the joy of seeing the impact that comes from watching the dominos fall as a result of the strategic methodologies being employed by churches throughout our connection.

Please join us for this annual gathering designed to move us into the future. It will be more important than ever in this time of uncertainty for the laity and the clergy to work together as we explore new ways of making disciples. You are a part of this movement – part of God’s domino effect in the world. There will be opportunities for discussion and asking questions.

The agenda and link will be sent to you after you register. We hope to see you there. All that is required is your presence, and a domino. Be sure to find one you can bring along as you participate.

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