
CONNECT Growing Strong in Faithful Discipleship

Connect – Children’s Ministry

The Children’s Ministry at Wesley offers a fun and safe environment for children and their families to experience and discover God’s love and grace. Through hearing Bible stories, creative lessons, games, music, gathering and serving, children learn about Jesus and how to live as faithful disciples in the world.

Love God, Love People, and Love Life.

Wesley UMC Children's Ministry


Sunday school classes meet at 9:30 AM. Pre-K through 3rd grade: Meet in the J.A.M. Room with Ms. Stefanie, and Club 456 (graders) meet with Ms. Jennifer and Ms. Katie.  


In the Worship service, there is always a time for children to come forward and have story time with Jennifer. 


For Kindergarten through 5th grade, following children’s time, children have an opportunity to continue in faith formation by expanding on the Bible lesson in fun and creative ways.

Youth Connections Ministry

At Wesley, it’s about connecting, the act of bringing two things together, with God and with others. We want to connect with you. Wesley is a place where. students connect. We connect to God and each other through regularly scheduled Sunday night Youth fellowship. We connect to the world in mission, both near and far. We connect casually over dinner, games, and many fun and inspiring activities. We connect deeply in study, at camps, on mystery trips, and mission work. And we connect everyone with meaningful student led worship.

A Pharisee once asked Jesus, “What is the most important thing in life?” Jesus answered, “To love God with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, and to love others as yourself.”

(paraphrased from Matthew 22:34-39)


The Breakfast Club, our youth Sunday School, is a time of learning, eating, and fellowship. While cooking and eating breakfast, discussions of faith in daily life as young adults occurs. The Breakfast Club meets at 9:30 AM in the Youth Area on the second floor.

Youth Connections

Join us for dinner, fun, and good conversation! Youth Connections meet every Sunday evening from 6:00 PM - 8:00 PM.

Adult Ministry

Wesley has a vibrant community of adults! Check out the opportunities to connect and grow with this community.

We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, who are called according to his purpose.

Romans 8:28


A community of our adult members. The JOY Group meets monthly for fellowship, social outings, developing friendships, and reaching out to those who are visiting or new to our church. You are invited to join this fellowship of adults caring, sharing, and enjoying life together.

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  • Bridge, first and third Tuesday of every month, 12:30pm - 4:00pm, Hope Classroom
  • Beginner Bridge, second and fourth Tuesday and Thursday of every month, 10:00am  - Noon, Hope Classroom
  • Mahjong, every other Wednesday, 12:30pm - 4:00pm, Hope Classroom
Keeping our bodies in motion, Wesley Workout is a program of wellness and education designed for older adult. The classes include simple, slow exercises to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and range of motion. We offer a variety of classes that are led by certified instructors. 
  • Stretch & Tone Class, Monday's at 9:00am - 10:00am, Fellowship Hall
  • Chair Yoga, Wednesday's at 9:00am - 10:00am, Fellowship Hall
  • Mobility & Functional Movement, Friday's, 9:00am - 10:00am, Fellowship Hall
  • Chair Volleyball, Monday's 10:30am - 11:30am, Upstairs Youth Area
A community whose purpose is to know God and strengthen faith through fellowship. Gatherings include a potluck meal followed by a presentation of various interests and special groups. All are welcome to attend.
  • Second Tuesday of each month, Noon - 1:30pm, Fellowship Hall

Once a month from September through May, the JOY Group takes a day trip to explore and discover something fun in the North Texas region.  Past trips have included an excursion on the Palestine/Rusk Railroad, a trip to Capernaum Studios where The Chosen was filmed, experienced a Frisco Roughriders Baseball Game, a trip to the Biblical Arts Museum in Dallas, and a shopping excursion to Downtown McKinney with lunch at Hugs Cafe.  We also try to take a group vacation once a year in the fall.  Past trips have included Branson, a cruise up the California Coast, The Biltmore Estate, and Fredericksburg/San Antonio.

Every month we partner with the beautiful Texan Theater in Downtown Greenville and gather together to watch the deeply moving TV show The Chosen on their big screen.  This series covers the life of Christ and the people He chose to help Him fulfill His Earthly ministry.  The screening is free to all that want to see it.  Plan to arrive early at The Texan and order lunch - it will be delivered right to your seat in the theater!
  • First Tuesday of every month, 1:00pm - 2:00pm, Texan Theater

We realize that not all of our older adults have the ability to get out, so we like to bring Wesley to them.  We do this through home visits, phone calls, and lots of cards & letters.  We even do a church service at Colonial Lodge on the second Sunday of each month.

  • Game Day Bridge – First and Third Tuesday of the month 12:30 pm
  • Game Day Mexican Train Dominoes – First and Third Tuesday of each month 1:00 pm
  • Game Day Mahjong – Wednesday/Thursday (weekly rotation) 12:30 pm

Keeping our bodies in motion, Wesley Workout is a program of wellness and education designed for the older adult. The classes include simple, slow exercises to improve strength, flexibility, balance, and range of motion. We offer a variety of classes that are led by certified instructors. Classes include Stretch & Tone (Monday & Wednesday 9:30 am), Yin Yoga (Monday 6:30 pm), and Chair Yoga (Friday 9:30 am). Classes are $1 per class and held in meeting rooms 1 & 2.

Lunch Bunch Outing – Fourth Tuesday of the month, times vary on destination

Second Tuesday of each month at 12:00 pm
A community whose purpose is to know God and strengthen faith through fellowship. Gatherings include a potluck meal followed by a presentation of various interests and special groups. All are welcome to attend.

Knit & Crochet Group – Monday 1 - 3 pm, Tuesday 6 - 8 pm, Friday 10:00 am - 3:00 pm

Community Coffee – Meet friends of new and old while chatting over coffee. Tuesdays at 10 am in the Covenant Classroom.

Whether you are looking to get more involved in the church, provide hands-on mission, make new friends, or add a few hours of meaningful time into your life, be a part of the UWF. The UWF is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as a whole person through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative and supportive fellowship, and to expand the concepts of mission through participation in the ministries of Wesley and beyond our doors.

Men of Wesley and the community are welcome to our Men’s Ministry of fellowship, prayer, Ministry and faith.

  • Emmaus Retreat - The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. It involves a 72 hour weekend in Lone Star, TX. Clergy and lay speakers present talks on a wide variety of subjects. Some of the subjects are about life priorities and spiritual growth. Learn more about Emmaus at
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast Bunch – Bible study and breakfast to start your day. Wednesdays 8 am and Thursdays 6 am. Men’s Prayer Breakfast Bunch meets in the Conference Room.

Whether you are looking to get more involved in the church, provide hands-on mission, make new friends, or add a few hours of meaningful time into your life, be a part of the UWF. The UWF is a community of women whose purpose is to know God and to experience freedom as a whole person through Jesus Christ, to develop a creative and supportive fellowship, and to expand the concepts of mission through participation in the ministries of Wesley and beyond our doors.

Men of Wesley and the community are welcome to our Men’s Ministry of fellowship, prayer, and faith.

  • Emmaus Retreat - The Walk to Emmaus is a spiritual renewal program intended to strengthen the local church through the development of Christian disciples and leaders. It involves a 72 hour weekend in Lone Star, TX. Clergy and lay speakers present talks on a wide variety of subjects. Some of the subjects are about life priorities and spiritual growth. Learn more about Emmaus at
  • Men’s Prayer Breakfast Bunch – Bible study and breakfast to start your day. Wednesdays 8 am and Thursdays 6 am. Men’s Prayer Breakfast Bunch meets in the Conference Room.


The Music Ministries at Wesley provide an exciting and dynamic opportunity to share the good news of Jesus Christ. From vocal to instrumental, classical to contemporary, and traditional to modern, our Music Ministries enable worshipers of all ages and talents to support our church with their gifts, services, and witness through choirs, praise bands, handbells, ensembles, and solo work. In addition to serving and leading in Sunday morning services, our Music Ministries provide special programs including concerts, holiday cantatas, and community events. To learn more about our music ministry, contact Scott Surface at [email protected].

Chancel Choir
If you have a desire to create music with others to share the glory of God, this is your place! Our adult choir is a non-audition group that primarily leads in our Sanctuary Worship service each Sunday morning and presents a variety of programs throughout the year. A wide variety of musical abilities are welcome, and no experience is necessary. Come join one of our regularly scheduled rehearsals to learn more. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 pm in the Sanctuary.

Wesley Vibes
If you are a musician or a former musician and would like to use and share your musical gift, this is the group for you. Handbell experience is helpful but not required. We rehearse on Wednesday evenings from 6:00 to 7:00 PM in the Sanctuary.

Living Room Praise Band
The Living Room is the modern worship community of Wesley. Every Sunday, you can expect a casual atmosphere with relevant teaching, faith-filled music led by the Praise Band, heartfelt worship, prayer, and genuine community.