Mike Hogge deserves his own song. This year’s Senior High Mission Trip was unique and undoubtedly one for the books. It certainly will not be forgotten any time soon.
After a year off due to Covid, we were hungry. This year’s trip was as if we walked up to the buffet famished. We started with the largest plate in the restaurant, and when it was full, we just piled it higher. Most people would tuck tail and run. Most people would tell you how this dream is too big. Most people would spend more time talking you off the ledge or walking you back than actually planning and working to see it through. BUT – not folks of Wesley and certainly NOT MIKE HOGGE!

Mike is a little hard to label. A few of us try. We like to refer to him as the Diva of our group. He graciously laughs with us as we tease. The truth is that is but only a fraction of who Mike is and could never tell the whole story. It would be easy to label Mike a dreamer, which would be true, but it would again leave you drastically short on the complete picture. Doer… that might seem like an appropriate label, and you’d be getting awfully close with that label, but still, you’d be short. Compassionate. Generous. Caring. Humble. All of these labels have to work in there somewhere.

This year Mike helped make a dream come true. Mike started working months before the Mission Trip began. Muddy roads, stuck tractors, flat tires, biting horse flies, nothing would keep him down. Mike literally blazed trails, tore down buildings, cut down trees, split wood, all just to get us started. All before our Mission Trip could begin.

If that wasn’t enough, Mike really shined when the arc hit the metal. One of our dreams was to build an outdoor worship center at the Methodist Camp at Lake Pat Mayse. This was no small dream. This dream was extra complicated by the idea we hold, that any kid can do any job on a Mission Trip if they desire. Mike set up a welding camp, and let me tell you, that’s what every kid wanted. Mike and a few others had the patience of Job. They worked with every student, and because of their love, perseverance, dedication, and patience, all students had a chance to weld.

As a team, we finished that Outdoor worship center. In the truest sense of the word, it is AWESOME. Mike Hogge didn’t do it alone, but he was the key that God used to unlock the dream. This mission experience is where people will be enjoying the fruit of this labor for many, many years to come. I – We are so grateful for the friend we have in Mike.

God Bless you,
Jeff Cullen

Wesley United Methodist Church

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