The Yost Post

Things are slowly opening up around the Church. I wanted to share a few thoughts with you about it.

One of the greater tasks coaches face across sports is teaching children how to move to where “the ball will be, not just where it is now.” If you have ever seen a child’s soccer game, you know what I mean. A herd of children rush to where the ball was a second ago, very few beginners know how to run to where to ball will be. The challenge is for coaches to teach their teams to converge on the ball, how to predict where the ball is going, and run to that point.

We have several moving parts at Wesley which the Board, Staff, volunteers, and I are prayerfully working to coordinate. The quality and scale of ministry and activities at Wesley require planning, volunteers, logistical support, materials, etc. This year we are also accounting for public health realities such as: vaccinations, mask usage, health exposure, and health accommodations. On top of that, we are committed to re-launching our activities with remote membership and participation as a priority now and into the future.

In order to have wonderful ministry events a few months from now, we have to make educated guesses as to what the public health status will be when said events are held. We are actively planning multiple events in the next few months… ministries are being reactivated… fellowship groups will begin to meet again. This is exciting and the place we have been working toward these many months. That brings me to my point today.

The planning requires significant convergence planning by our Wesley leaders. The Merriam Webster Dictionary defines Convergence as: to tend or move toward one point or one another.

Like kids learning how to play soccer, we are trying to run to where we will need to be in 2, 3, 4, 5 months from now. As you hear about an event coming up, know we will provide you with the best information possible.
A few things I can tell you. Anything indoors will require mask usage until the CDC says we are in the clear. Masks are encouraged but not required when we are outdoors AND maintaining social distancing. We will continue to ask folks to refrain from hugs and handshakes for the next few months. Also, for the next few months, refreshments will not be provided at indoor church events.

Based on all we can see, we are planning on the Back to School time (end of August) as our faithful guesstimate as to when normal will make its return to Wesley.

As always, thank you for being the bearers of the Light of Jesus Christ! Blessings to you all!

Chris Yost

Wesley United Methodist Church

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