Staff Parish Relations Committee (SPRC)

  • Serves as personnel supervision for church
  • Ensures staff are recruited, hired, shepherded, and disciplined when appropriate
  • Recommends clergy retention or movement to the District Superintendent
  • Evaluates the Clergy and staff at least once a year
  • Ensures the staff is intentionally working to grow people’s life with Jesus Christ and leading the Church as a whole toward God’s kingdom goals
  • Looks after the wellness of staff and clergy, ensures the staffing of the church are forward looking to meet anticipated mission needs articulated through the Board
  • Recommends the staffing budget to the Finance Committee
  • The SPRC ensures Book of Discipline policies are followed


  • Oversee the wellbeing of all real property, assets, material condition of the church plant, safety and security of the site, and endowments (normally in cooperation with the Finance Committee)
  • Holds all local assets in trust for the North Texas Conference of the United Methodist Church
  • Ensures the Church assets are materially ready for the Church’s mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
  • Recommends trustees and operating expenses for the annual budget to the Finance Committee
  • The Trustees ensure their work follows the policies of the Book of Discipline

Mission Committee

  • Ensures the focus of the church is on reaching the under served of our community
  • Coordinates the intentional outreach of Wesley to our neighbors
  • Provides a coordinating arm for Wesley to serve as Jesus taught us
  • Receives and distributes targeted benevolence funds
  • Recommends missional needs for the budget


  • Funds the Budget as approved by Charge Conference
  • Collects Budget input and proposes the annual budget to the Administrative Board
  • Offers discipleship leadership to teach the value of tithing
  • Conducts annual financial stewardship campaign
  • Works as requested by the Trustees to conduct Capital Campaigns and make use endowment funds held in trust by the trustees
  • Ensures annual audit is completed
  • Oversees the regular receipts of the church, counts the funds and distributes them per the budget
  • Ensures policies are followed as described in the Book of Discipline

Administrative Board (Board)

  • The policy arm of the Charge Conference (members) between meetings of Charge Conference and ensures Church operations are in keeping with the Book of Discipline
  • Coordinates among the SPRC, Missions, Trustees, Finance, and other ministries to ensure the church is meeting its current and future needs to fulfill our mission to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world
  • The make up of the Board, from each committee, as illustrated above ensures each committees’ work is inherently represented at the Board’s work. (Ex: Finance does not decide what gets funded, but it does have a voice in those decisions at the Board level. The Trustees cannot arbitrarily act outside its budget to do things, but has a voice at the Board to advocate for actions it see necessary).
  • The Board is the agency responsible to approve non-budgeted expenses between meetings of the Charge Conference.

Committee on Lay Leadership

  • The leaders are nominated by the Committee on Lay Leadership (LL). LL discerns leadership needs, identifies potential leaders, determines persons willingness to serve, and recommends leaders to the Charge Conference
  • The LL works diligently to ensure diversity (theological persuasion, ethnicity, service type, age, race, gender) is represented in all committees of the Church
  • The persons nominated for service at Wesley are asked to do so for three year terms, with some exceptions described in the Book of Discipline
  • The LL committee itself is nominated by the Charge Conference and elected by the Charge Conference
  • The LL is the only committee in the church chaired by the senior appointed clergy

Wesley United Methodist Church

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