Participate in Our UNITED Methodist Church's Worship Services
Celebrate worship with us every Sunday!
While we are meeting in person, you are also invited to watch us from home. Our services are broadcasted through various platforms.
The Living Room service (contemporary) meets at 9:17 AM in the Fellowship Hall and is live on FB at that time.
Our Traditional worship service meets at 10:30 AM in the Sanctuary and is also live on FB and YouTube.

Adult Sunday School
Adult Sunday School is a foundational ministry at Wesley. Our classes provide not only study and fellowship but also opportunities to live out your faith through service to the community. Find the class that fits you! Classes start at 9:30am each Sunday. To learn more about Sunday School, contact [email protected].
The class is of age 60+ and a mixture of retired and working individuals. The teaching style is open discussion based on the curriculum and the teacher’s guidance. Topics for study are chosen by the class.
The class is of age 60 and above. The teaching style is teacher-facilitated discussion based on the curriculum. The class uses a variety of short-term Bible and topical studies, many of which utilize DVD presentations.
The class is open to adults starting a family through empty nesters. The teaching style is teacher-facilitated discussion based on the curriculum.
The majority of the class is aged 70 and above. The teaching style is a lecture with guided discussion encouraged by the facilitator.
The participants in this class have six to eight decades of knowledge and wisdom, but all are welcome. The facilitator guides the class, encouraging people to share real-life experiences related to the lesson. This interactive and practical discussion always shows how God’s word shapes the horizon of life.

Email Jennifer, [email protected] to learn more.
GriefShare Support Group
The journey of grief can be long and lonely. At GriefShare©, we provide background training in the various issues and emotions and listen to and share stories. All of this helps us to know that we are not alone and that what we are experiencing is normal. Sessions will continue through April 6. We invite you to come and join us in Room 1 on Sunday afternoons from 2:00 to 4:00 PM. If you have questions or want someone to talk with, please contact Rev. Dorothy Straks, at 903-662-8577 or email [email protected].
Disciple Bible Study
Becoming Disciples of Christ Through Bible Study is a study designed to help people place themselves in the narrative of the scriptures, develop a conversation with the scriptures, and find their personal meaning for life in the scriptures. This study meets Monday nights at 6:00 PM in the Seekers Classroom. Join us! Please contact Jennifer Fornero at [email protected].
Lenten Bible Study
Pastor Brian is leading a bible study over the Lenten season using the book “Savior, Servant, Friend.” The study will meet on Sundays (beginning on March 9) at 4 PM and Monday mornings (beginning on March 10) at 10 AM in the Seekers classroom. The cost is $10 for the book, and there is a sign-up sheet in the church office.
Through your generosity, we continue to share God’s promise of love and hope in our community and beyond. Ways to give: