The Lights of Advent
November 26 - January 6
Advent Adventures
Saturday, December 2 at 2:00pm
Please join us on Sunday, December 3 from 2-4pm as we celebrate the Christmas Season. Please come dressed in your favorite Christmas jammies as we make an Advent wreath, decorate a gingerbread house, and eat Christmas snacks. We will sing our favorite Christmas songs as families create Christmas fun together in our adventure. I hope to see you there!
Lessons and Carols
Sunday, December 10 at the 10:30 service
The Wesley UMC Chancel choir will present an entire service of Lessons and Carols on Sunday, December 10th. This service will include scripture and music detailing the birth of our Savior, Jesus Christ. Special guests in this service will be our amazing children's choir.
Sunday, December 16 at 4:00 pm
Does it seem like you are out of sync with the world around you? Your family, friends, colleagues, stores, and neighborhoods are all awash in lights and celebrations but you just feel kind of “blue.” The Christmas season can amplify a sense of loss, grief, or disconnect that has happened in many lives. The Blue Christmas Service reminds us that even in our darkest times, God offers us hope and comfort if we are willing to bring our deepest sense of loss, grief, and disconnect into the light of God’s love. Please join us for a time of reflection, meditation, and redemption in God’s love! Childcare will be provided.
Sunday, December 24 at 5:00 pm, & 7:00 pm
A holy night filled with visions of angels singing to shepherds in a field, magi traveling from afar, and in the center of it all, a humble family bringing the Light of God into the world. Join in song and story, candles and carols, laughter and awe as we worship together!
5:00 pm - Children & Family Service
7:00 pm - Traditional Candlelight Service
Blessing Of The Toys
Sunday, December 31 at 10:00 am
We are combining services for a One Wesley casual morning worship service, with kids in PJs, and a Blessing of the Toys during Children's Time (bring a new Christmas gift for the blessing)!