Palm Sunday
Join us for worship at 9:17 AM (Contemporary) and 10:30 AM (Traditional) on Palm Sunday.
Welcome to Wesley
If you are interested in learning more about Wesley and are considering making Wesley your new church home, please plan to attend “Welcome to Wesley” on Sunday, April 13th, following the 10:30 service. We will be meeting in the Parlor, just off the Narthex. This will give you a chance to get to know some…
Lenten Bible Study- Sundays
Pastor Brian is leading a bible study over the Lenten season using the book “Savior, Servant, Friend.” The study will meet on Sundays at 4 PM in the Seekers classroom. The cost is $10 for the book and there is a sign-up sheet in the church office.
Stretch and Tone Class for Active Older Adults (JOY)
Enjoy a low-impact, instructor-led exercise class for active older adults. Stretch and Tone takes place on Monday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A $2.00 donation is recommended.
Lenten Bible Study- Mondays
Pastor Brian is leading a bible study over the Lenten season using the book “Savior, Servant, Friend.” The study will meet on Monday mornings at 10 AM in the Seekers classroom. The cost is $10 for the book and there is a sign-up sheet in the church office.
Chair Volleyball
Volleyball like you’ve never played before! This low-impact game is fun for Seniors and takes place on Monday mornings at 10:30 AM upstairs in the Youth area.
Chair Yoga
Enjoy a low-impact, instructor-led exercise class for active older adults. Chair Yoga takes place on Wednesday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A $2.00 donation is recommended.
Mobility and Functional Movement Class for Active Older Adults (JOY)
Enjoy a low-impact, instructor-led exercise class for active older adults. Mobility and Functional Movement takes place on Friday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A $2.00 donation is recommended.
Stretch and Tone Class for Active Older Adults (JOY)
Enjoy a low-impact, instructor-led exercise class for active older adults. Stretch and Tone takes place on Monday mornings from 9:00 to 10:00 AM in the Fellowship Hall. A $2.00 donation is recommended.
Chair Volleyball
Volleyball like you’ve never played before! This low-impact game is fun for Seniors and takes place on Monday mornings at 10:30 AM upstairs in the Youth area.